These weeks of change have also been weeks of learning: adaptation, personal growth, teamwork. We assume, individually and collectively, great challenges that lead us to think as a community, to understand ourselves as part of a world that affects us and that we affect with our behaviors and decisions. It is a time to reflect, but also to act, to test ourselves and show us that crises can also be assumed as opportunities for improvement, that it is possible to emerge stronger from the crisis.
When we started the dream of creating a school newspaper, we knew that it would involve great challenges. Today, as we are pleased to present the fourth edition of the Train, we happily tell you that we are ready to take on these challenges for you. We know that in situations like the one we are experiencing now, it is important to maintain bridges that allow us to be in communication, to generate spaces for reflection, to promote critical thinking and recreation: all of this is the Train, a project that is yours and for you and that grows day by day thanks to the committed and continuous work of the Editorial Committee and the unconditional support of the Institution, the teachers and, of course, the students and parents who bring it to life with their reading.
You can access the website of the newspaper El Tren at the link:
In this edition you will find a reflection in times of change from our rector, Ana Isabel Jiménez; an interview by Samuel Duque with Lina Osorio, a psychologist at the Institution, about ways to take on the challenges posed by the current situation; words from our Editorial Director, Salomé Vélez; the fourth version of the Digital Newscast, under the direction of Nicolás Gallego; reviews of the 7th grade students from readings made in the Spanish class (under the curatorship of Juan Esteban Duque); description of a work of art made in watercolor by Isabela Morales Chica; a reflection on Freedom of Expression, by Jerónimo Salazar; an interview conducted by Juan Miguel Bolivar with Luz Stella Tisnes, coordinator of the institution's environmental projects, and a special about a project that invites us to think about the current situation carried out with Professor Alejandro Munera, and the Musical and Literary Recommended by Samuel Duke.
Behind each edition there is an Editorial Committee, under the direction of Salomé Vélez and the co-direction of Manuela Cuadrado, who works with delivery in the revision of texts, style correction, video editing, taking photographs, conducting interviews , advertising and management of digital and printed media. We also invite you to meet our team in the "About Us" section.
This month we will bring you many surprises. Among them, the "Talents" section, which you can see from April 20th and in which we will publish, within the framework of the Language Day celebrations, videos of the participants of the Talent Show: a great celebration around the San Miguel talent. Likewise, we hope to be able to present you soon the printed version of our newspaper, which will be published quarterly and which will collect the best articles published in the digital edition.
We continue to grow and improve for you. Reading to us and joining this dream is our greatest reward. Remember that you can share with us your opinions and impressions about the current situation by writing to us at We want to read them!
Receive an affectionate greeting from the Editorial Committee of El Tren Newspaper.