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First Registration Vismio Hall of School Art 'A place of the Cosmos'

Registration of the participation of some of our teachers and students of 10th, 11th and 12th grades in the creation laboratories of the Vismio Hall of School Art, "A place of the cosmos", held during the month of October at the Museum of Pereira art. The Vismio room is a project of the Pereira Ministry of Culture that this year, starting from the curatorial axis, calls for different educational institutions to have creative experiences collectively around experimental processes and ways of seeing art as a power in educational processes.

This activity had permanent support from the direction of the arts area of ​​the Liceo Taller San Miguel. 

Participating students: Salomé Velez, Giogia Ghirardelli, Susana Perez, Juana Portocarrero, Vanesa Rodriguez, Anneke Schoon, Clara Restrepo, Luisa Echeverri and Karol Cock.


Participating teachers: Beatriz Angel, Juan Fox, Andrés Cuartas.  


Date: 14 of November of 2019

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