In Colombia, the latest statistics related to adolescence show a serious situation in different areas:
Eating disorders, unhealthy lifestyles, increased teenage pregnancies, increasingly early onset of sexual experiences and equally the consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances, some harmful fashion practices and increased rates of depression. This suggests that sexual education and drug prevention campaigns are not enough to modify the life patterns of adolescents and young people. Therefore, the LTSM has considered it necessary to more actively involve parents, teachers and, in general, the entire educational community of the institution.
Addressing different topics from each of the areas allows a general reading of the problems and contributes to students getting involved in the analysis and finding what their own position is which inevitably results in their development of healthier habits.
The health week provides opportunities for reflection, debate and generates tools for the development of healthy life practices in students. The general themes are related to the self-care and adoption of healthy lifestyles, development of sexuality and construction of citizenship, prevention of psychoactive substance use and strategies to live and coexist.
The logistical procedure consists of inviting parents that are linked to the health sector and to the proposed activities or themes according to the needs of the students in general. When the parents confirm their attendance, the schedule of activities is organized so that all students can benefit from the reflection spaces.
This event is held every two years within the institution and it conveys the importance of caring for one’s health and the responsibility of choosing a lifestyle. It is aimed at promoting respect for oneself and others. Health promotion is fostered through the different programmed activities and guidance is given to prevent diseases and achieve a better quality of life.
The support group is the one who leads this activity and who does the programming taking into account the topics of interest to the community and according to the interest that is present in discussing them in each of the groups.
During this week we invite parents who have the opportunity to contribute with their knowledge. Sponsorships of companies that are related to the topics or organizations that work in the health area are also included. During this week activities, lectures, and exhibitions related to different topics are scheduled. They are divided into different spaces and students are invited according to the relevance and orientation of each one. All groups participate and have the possibility to attend; there are also activities for parents and teachers.